
Wedding portrait 7.jpg

Hey, there! My name is Chandler Castle, and I’m grateful you found me here. The picture up top is the deceptive work of a professional, catching me on one of my better days where the light was good. I’m really less graceful in person, black tattoos decorating my whole right arm and a filthy mouth if I’m not careful. I live in Fort Worth, Texas with my husband, Ryan, and my dog named Rascal. I write about them often.

When I’m not working, I’m usually on a patio drinking a spicy margarita, taking a nap, or practicing yoga. I do a lot of yoga, and I teach it, too! We like thought-provoking movies, Mexican food, and being with our families when we can.

I haven’t always written or even kept a notebook, but I always had fine grammar and enjoyed English. I won a small writing award in high school because I had to turn in a memoir on grief. Then again in college. I had a knack for stories and suffering, sometimes the two together, and I couldn’t stop telling about it.

But the world is inundated with noise, and I’m not a fan of noise. I kept to myself for many years, until a friend told me that staying quiet was much less modest and agreeable than I thought. Maybe I’d get lost in the sea, maybe I’d be misunderstood and say regretfully scandalous things, but the cost of saying nothing I decided was worse by a lot.

Since then, (2013) I’ve been using a blog and trying not to keep a schedule. I do want to be faithful here, though. Sometimes that looks like bludgeoning the keys, but sometimes it looks like absence. I’ll think, I’ll read, I’ll pray, I’ll discipline my tongue, but I’ll always come back. And I’ve been thankful for this space which lets me always come back. Back to what’s true, beautiful and good. Not adding to the noise but dissenting from it, hopefully. Thanks for being here and for reading.