
Jerry Said, Fuck Your Deconstruction

I was handing out food on Southside once

And met a homeless man called Jerry.

He told me he had a job interview

Coming up and I said good for him.

. . .

I had a large coffee in my hands and he 

Motioned in its direction haphazardly.

Grew up on that shit, he said.

Used to be those frappuccinos from QT.

. . .

Then that got too sweet so I started going

Full black, and at first it was like lickin’

The butt of a cigarette, but then I loved it

And it saved me, still saves me, I’m a snob.

. . .

I ain’t married to it, though. You know,

If one morning it’s too bitter, like sharp,

I’ll just add in a little of my sugar, a little bit

More of my cream ‘til it tastes good.

. . .

Hell, tomorrow it’ll be somethin’ different.

That’s what’s good about tomorrow is

We get to keep just tryin’ shit out.

Anyway, you get it. Thanks for the burger.

God bless.

Chandler Castle