
Your Spotify Wrapped Is Sacred

We’re all just waiting around for anyone to

Ask us anything. We have ten thousand

Leagues of answers to tell. I’m not 

Desperate, of course. I just need to tell you

This one thing.

. . .

It’s cloudy today and I like it and look at

My son crawling young for his age and 

There’s a ringing in my ear that’s been

There a long time. I bought this shirt for 

Cheap at Gap.

. . .

If I were to have coffee with one person,

Dead or alive, I don’t care who it is as long

As they’d sit down, shut up, and listen to 

Me rail on about the songs that made me

Happiest this year.

. . .

Did you watch the interview? Have you 

Read the article? Here are my honest

Thoughts. This is why so and so deserved 

The Golden Globe for best picture. You 

Tell me your sign and I’ll tell you mine.

. . .

Am I valid? Wanted? Different? Seen?

Accomplished? Normal? Pretty for 

Thirteen? If you were to have asked, I’d 

Have given it up gladly: the six easy steps

In my skincare routine.

. . .

I’m not desperate, of course, but I’m this

Close to telling you that my tomato plant

Has flowered. And since you didn’t ask

Specifically about my nuanced 

Personality and all her intricacies, I’ll just

Hope for the best and share this 

Reductionistic meme.

Chandler Castle